About TRE

Why practice TRE?

People from all around the world are subject to traumas of various kinds. These traumas are stored in the body and result in physical tension, anxiety, low mood, and more. The releasing of this tension is freeing in many ways. Yet, one need not have been traumatized in one particular instance to benefit from doing TRE. Common everyday stressors we all encounter, such as driving, sitting for long periods of time, looking at screens, stress in the workplace and in relationships — all of these generate tension and stress in our body. TRE is meant to be accessible to the population. Few people are able to afford therapy or other healing modalities. The intention behind TRE is for it to be accessible to all.

What benefits can I expect from doing TRE?


Reduced symptoms of anxiety


Reduced symptoms of PTSD


Reduced muscle pain


Better quality sleep


Increased flexibility


Greater resilience to stress


Improved relationships


Insecurity reduction


Greater energy levels


Increased groundedness, calm and well-being

What makes TRE unique?

  • The therapeutic muscle tremors evoked by the TRE exercise process is a natural, internal, neuro-physiological response of the body to reduce its own stress and restore a sense of well-being.
  • TRE is a body based (somatic) process which, when done properly, through a Certified TRE Provider can allow the individual to discharge tension from the body, which often does not require “revisiting the story”. (ie: verbally describing or talking about the traumatic experience)
  • TRE is designed to be a self-help tool that once learned, can be used as needed, throughout one’s life, thereby continuously supporting and promoting personal health and wholeness.
  • TRE can be taught as either a simple self-help, tension reduction technique in a physical exercise program OR it can be used as an effective complementary practice when integrated with other treatment modalities by those in the healing professions, including the treatment of PTSD and anxiety disorder recovery.
  • TRE can be taught in very large groups for communities that have experienced mass trauma.
  • TRE promotes cohesiveness and openness between participants and can be a helpful tool for dispute resolution. (ie: interpersonal, corporate and political communication)
  • TRE can cross culture and language barriers because it is based on natural physiological responses shared by all human beings.